discard the dross and select the essence中文什么意思

发音:   用"discard the dross and select the essence"造句
  • discard:    vt. 1.放弃,抛弃。 2.解雇。 ...
  • dross:    n. 1.【冶金】浮渣;铁屑,铁渣。 ...
  • select:    vt. 选;选择;挑选;选拔。 He ...
  • essence:    n. 1.【哲学】本质 (opp. ...
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  1. We must discard the dross and select the essence from the traditional chinese and the western culture
  2. There are lots of good things in korean films , what we can do is discard the dross and select the essence
    韩剧中好的东西还是有的,不能“一竿子打翻一船人” ,必竟我们要做的是“取其精华,弃其糟粕” 。
  3. As to the viewpoint of filial duty , we should take the reality into consideration , discard the dross and select the essence so as to further elaborate the moral education function of the traditional culture of filial duty
  4. The article analyses the influence of house - design concerning location , orientation , distribution , living surroundings and other factors and emphasizes fengshui theory ' s superstitious side and scientific side as well , holding that men should discard the dross and select the essence to construct the agreeable residence


  1. discard pile 什么意思
  2. discard raffinate 什么意思
  3. discard separator 什么意思
  4. discard solution 什么意思
  5. discard the dregs of society 什么意思
  6. discard the monarchy 什么意思
  7. discard the useless and accept the good 什么意思
  8. discard tobacco 什么意思
  9. discard transfer 什么意思
  10. discard weak plants 什么意思


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